Saturday, December 27, 2014

ConvertAll - Aplikasi Metric Converter

ConvertAll merupakan aplikasi konversi untuk suatu besaran tertentu misalnya dari Liter ke Gallon. ConvertAll mempunyai fitur yang sangat lengkap, bahkan hampir semua besaran telah ada. Untuk mengunduhnya bisa Anda gunakan link ini. Jika anda pengguna Linux ConvertAll telah tersedia direpositori. ConvertAll juga tersedia dalam versi Windows.

Berikut beberapa fitur dari ConvertAll yang dilangsir dari situs resminya.
  • The base units for conversion may be either typed (with auto-completion) or selected from a list.
  • Units may be selected using either an abbreviation or a full name.
  • Units may be combined with the "*" and "/" operators.
  • Units may be raised to powers with the "^" operator.
  • Units in the denominator may be grouped with parenthesis.
  • Units with non-linear scales, such as temperature, can also be converted.
  • A unit list may be filtered and searched
  • Recently used unit combinations may be picked from a menu.
  • Numbers may be entered on either the "From" or the "To" units side, for conversions in both directions.
  • Basic mathematical expressions may be entered in place of numbers.
  • Options control the formatting of numerical results.
  • The unit data includes over 500 units.
  • The format of the unit data file makes it easy to add additional units.
  • Command line options are available to do conversions without the GUI.
  • The user interface and the unit data are available in English, French, German and Spanish.
Berikut screenshoot-nya .

Selamat Mencoba :) 

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